Reacting the Opposite of Mary

This Christmas I got the privilege to go to two Christmas concerts on one Sunday. One was the cute one played out by children; my nieces were especially cute. Second concert was one of extraordinary talent and powerful reverberations of music. In between the concerts I found an Assembly of God church to go to where the pastor was so passionately excited about the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Together the three events moved my heart and had me on the verge of tears many of times. Christmas felt different this year to me.

God has so broadened my mind in the past year in knowing Him in deeper and more fantastic ways than I could have ever imagined. I am excited to celebrate that baby in the manger with more passion and gratefulness than ever before. My excitement is not over the present or the new gigantic Rudolph inflatable yard decoration in my neighbor’s yard (which I really do love). Instead I am moved more than ever by that baby’s life we celebrate arriving on December 25th.

At the second concert was a solo of the song “Mary, Did You Know?” Standing on this side of the cross we are fully aware of what Mary could not have known at the time she gave birth to Jesus. There would be heart ache and stumbling along with healings and joys. In her womb was a baby that would grow up to save nations of people and revive hearts. Would she if she knew all that was to come have reacted so faithfully?

A few years ago, at the Christmas Eve service at my grandparents’ church the pastor brought up an interesting point. He talked about how would we react if we were told by someone we were going to have a baby having never had relations with a person of the opposite sex. How terrifying and confusing that must have been for Mary. Yet, Mary responded with faith and humility. The pastor asked rhetorically how would we react to receiving the same news Mary had?

It never occurred to me until that Christmas that back in 2007 someone of godly character prophesied over me a similar predicament as Mary. First of all, I am not comparing myself to Mary. Second, I am not saying I am going to have the Christ child. However, the gentlemen did say, ‘One day you will have a son who will be a prophet and God is preparing him right now in heaven for you.’ This prophecy came in the middle of the gentlemen’s talk. It was not provoked by me or anyone - just out of the blue. I do not know what your stand is on the gift of prophecy and I do question everything against the Bible just as you should.

So that Christmas Eve when the pastor asked how could we relate to Mary I found myself for the first time in years thinking about that prophecy over my life. At the time I reacted the complete opposite of Mary. I was upset, flabbergasted, and confused. My head swirled with thoughts, but mostly I did not want to know that I was going to have a baby one day. My friends had been encouraging and thought it was so neat especially since we had just been learning about the importance parents play in a child’s life. I did not feel honored or humbled or want to praise God. The whole prophecy I put on a shelf and have jokingly talked about it with my family or friends ever since. 

Being able to think back to my reaction in comparison to Mary’s, I feel a little shame and guilt. What if this situation had been set back in Mary’s time and I was the one really being told I would have son whom would be the Messiah everyone has been waiting for? I am sad to say I would probably not have been chosen. My reaction was not one of faith and servanthood to God. Mary, on the other hand, reacted with such grace and poise not only for someone her age and experience but for anyone. Her response was simple, as stated in Luke 1:38, "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.” Earlier in that same passage Mary does ask the question “how this will be since she is a virgin?” (Luke 1:34). Her question is one of uncertainty as her mind cannot fully grasp what the angel is saying. Nonetheless Mary simply asks the question, finds the answer, and with faith is able move on as the Lord says.

How do we know the simple question to ask to find the answer we are seeking in order to move with faith as the Lord says? I wish it were easy and I could give you and myself a five-step process of guarantee knowing. Yet, all I offer is the advice of reading the Bible, prayer, and journaling. When you read the Bible, you learn of God’s faithful character that all His promises are yes and amen. What God says He will do. He will indeed do and act as proven through the words of Scripture. You have the responsibility to read the Scripture to know His character.

Prayer is the means of crying out to God for answers. It is saying I do not know what to do in any given situation, but you are trusting God who says He is active in the lives of believers. As you continue to pray you submit your will to God’s will to be done. You begin to say with prayer the words of Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be as you have said (Luke 1:38).”

In a journal you record His character, the asked question and answers as a reminder of the times God answered you and you responded with faith. The records stand as a testimony to your soul when you feel like God is distant. My journals have taught me just how far and deep my relationship with God has gone through the years.

Not many of us get the opportunity to have someone random tell us one day you will have a son. Yet, that is not the point. The point being is how do we react when we sense God speaking to us? Do we humbly accept and do what God asks? Or, like me, let emotions rule or make excuses?

As the New Year begins perhaps the New Year resolution for the Christian should not be simply cleaning out the closet or losing weight, but learning to act humbly as we hear the voice of God in our life. When we sense God we move instead of coming up with excuses. Life would look a little differently. Imagine what the world would look like if Mary’s response to God had been different. In God’s divine sovereignty His plans would still have come to pass, but Mary would have missed out on the biggest blessings one could ever imagine.


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