
Biblical monologues built on sound doctrine can very easily warm the heart and cause application of doctrine as the listeners feel a sense of comradery with the character being portrayed. Monologues are a way to hold the mirror up not just as a flat reflection, but as an active looking glass into the moments of Bible characters’ lives that reminds listeners of themselves. These monologues are to connect women with women in the Bible and those in the church and to warm the heart to the living Word of God. Monologues bring the Word of God to three-dimensional life. Listeners can see and hear the story as if they are sitting there in the room as the story of the Bible character is told. Biblical monologues expose the listeners to seeing the Bible character as someone once living and breathing. The Bible character is no longer just a reading of a person in history, but someone they can picture now as the monologue is spoken out.
As a ministry to encourage women in their journey of faith, Luminaries Ministry uses monologue presentations as a means to present Biblical women in a creative and personable way. Through comprehensive research Luminaries Ministries has found Biblical monologues as an effective tool to help teach women about Bible characters and most importantly about the God who loves and sees each and every single person ever created. 
For love offering Luminaries Ministry will present a Biblical woman and prepare discussion questions for any size group.  

Current List of Women of the Bible Monologues
  • Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:1-3) 
  • Esther (Esther 1-8)
  • Eve (Genesis 2-3)
  • Mary of Bethany (John 12)
  • Lydia (Acts 16)
  • Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4) 
  • Rahab (Joshua 2, 6)
  • Priscilla (Acts 18)
  • Hagar (Genesis 16, 20)
  • Deborah (Judges 4, 5)
  • Leah (Genesis 29-33)

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